Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Will Smith has just kicked me in the butt!

Great line from "The Pursuit of Happiness" - Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. You have to dream, you have to protect it. People can't do things themselves; they want to tell you, you can't do it. You want something, go get it. PERIOD!

Mattison posted a great video of Will Smith’s interviews. This is a great motivating video for me. Visit Mattison's blog for the video.

When I listened to these interviews, where it hits me hard is my diet. I know what I want to be eating and what I should be eating. But I let life influence bad habits. This is especially true over the Holidays, drinking and all the sugary goodies. I need to realize that I can enjoy a party without indulging in all the foods that are just going to make me feel guilty later. So really how much did I enjoy the party if all I have is guilt afterwards. If I stuck to my diet, or my way of eating, I would enjoy the party and have no guilt afterwards. That’s a true success.

There is where we have to be strong, and stand up for ourselves. No one else is walking in our shoes, looking in the mirror back at us with such criticism. No one else knows how we feel in our own clothes or how we feel after a workout. We only know, and we have to stand up for ourselves. We are that important. I love to socialize and hang with friends. It is my favorite way to spend my extra time. But you can do that and still live the life you want. Write down in your log books: what you want out of life, who you want to be, how you want to be seen by others. Then do it. PERIOD!

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