Friday, October 9, 2009

No to Sugar - Yes to Zone

I thought this picture was fitting since most people on diets only seem to follow the diet during these "Zone" hours.

On September 8, 2009 Bayou City CrossFit started the No Sugar/Eat Clean Challenge. I did not participate in this challenge. I had just arrived back from Guatemala the day before the challenge was to start and I was not ready to partake in such a planned out challenge (cleaning out my pantry, fridge and hitting the grocery store with a planned out menu). I know that is just an excuse and I felt a little guilty, so even though I was not ready for the no sugar challenge I decided to try out The Zone along side Kim R. I had previously been trying Paleo and would stick to it for the most part, then the weekends would come along and it would get all messed up. So I can’t say I gave it a fair trial.

On September 8, I still did the measureable WOD that would be used to see if our times improved after 30 days of eating clean. Even though I wasn’t doing the No sugar challenge, I was improving my diet by starting the Zone and wanted to see if I would cause me to lose energy or not to be able to perform at my best.

No Sugar Challenge WOD
25 Burpees
400m Run
50 Air Squats
50 Pushups
50 Abmat Situps
400m Run
25 Burpees
For Time

I completed the WOD in 17:34. I started the Zone on September 14, 2009. Like I said I just got back from Guatemala and wasn’t ready mentally or physically prepared to start and diet the following day. So I started the following Monday after having time to do some research and my measurements and plan out a weeks worth of meals.

I will take my new measurements and weigh-in on October 14 for my full month on Zone, but as the no sugar challenge came to an end yesterday October 8th, we complete the same WOD again to see if we have improved. This is why keeping a log is so important and so helpful to be able to look back and see if you are improving.

One month later, same WOD as above my time was 15.48. I improved my time by 1:46.

I will try to share all my improvements and PRs on a monthly basis. I hope you guys do the same. Comment below with your PRs and your improvements on the No Sugar Challenge WOD.

Congratulations to all that participated in the No Sugar Challenage and stuck with it for the full month. I know it wasn't easy (I heard all about it) but way to push through and finish it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim, great improvement! It would be interesting to continue to do this WOD at certain time intervals, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months etc. I guess that same thing can be done with any WOD, Fran, Helen, Angie, Daniel etc.

    I improved, but not by much. Pre-challenge my time was 12:18. Post-challenge my time was 11:44. So a 34 second improvement, I was happy with that for sure!
